Thursday 14 January 2021

 The keyword planner is one of the basic steps for SEO ( Search engine optimization). If you have a website or blog it is your first task to find a good keyword to get ranking on search engines. Well there are two types of keyword planner are available on the internet one is free and the other is paid. We will talk about free keyword planners here. I will give a list of websites that will let you search for free keywords on the internet. You can use these keywords to rank your article on the internet. So let’s start

Top 6 Free keyword Planner Tools


Wordstram is a free keyword planner. You use this website to search for free keywords for your blog and website.

wordstream keyword planner tool


Wordtracker is also a keyword planner service. You can search for keywords here they have paid and free both available.

Wordtracker keyword planner tool


The keyword planner is also a free keyword planner tool. You can use this for your website and blog.

keyplanner keyword planner tool

Small Seo Tools

Small SEO tools is a website that contains a lot of Seo tools that are free. You can use this website for keyword planner, Plagiarism Checker, Grammar Checker, and many more.

small seo tools keyword planner tool


You can use Ubersuggest keyword planner too. This website will provide you 3 daily free keyword searches. You can use their paid plan too.

Ubbersuggest keyword planner tool

Bing Keyword Planner

You can use the Bing webmaster keyword Research planner. You just need to sign in at Bing webmaster there and you can search for a free keyword planner. Same as Bing webmaster you can use Google search console or Google AdWords too.

Bing keyword planner tool

Motivation:- Start Now Not Tomorrow

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