Friday 5 February 2021

QR Code (Quick Response Code) is often used these days. It is the same as a barcode mostly getting used everywhere like UPI, Recharges, Price Tracking, etc. It is designed in 1994. One of the advantages of QR codes it can save more data than a barcode that is why QR code is trending these days. You can also generate QR codes for your website, particular page, or for your android or ios app. You can generate two types of QR codes Static and Dynamic. The static barcode contains a fixed type of information you cannot change once is generated. But in Dynamic barcode can be updated from time to time. Today I'll show you how you can generate QR codes

how to generate qr code in chrome

How to Generate QR Code:- 

You can generate QR code using Chrome too. You must have an updated version 88.0.4324.104. You can generate Barcode for your Page and Website too. I will explain it in steps. 

1. Open Google Chrome and open that website and page whose barcode you want to generate. Suppose I want to generate a QR Code for my blog then I will open

QR code in chrome

2. Now right-click anywhere on the website. Now you will find Create QR code for this page. Click on that.

qr code

3. Now it will show a QR code at the end of the address bar. You can download that barcode in "PNG" format. 

qr code in chrome

qr code in chrome

Also, Read This:- A Guide to Command Prompt

qr code in chrome

How to generate QR code in android:- 

Well, You can generate QR codes from your android mobile too. There are many apps available for this but I will mention that on the basis of rating. This app has 4.8 ratings on the Google play store. 

qr code generate android

2. Now open App. You can choose the type of QR code. You can create Text, Website, Contact, Wifi, Phone, SMS, Instagram, What's App.

qr code generator in android

3. Now click on create. You can save your QR code too.

qr code in android

qr code in android

4. If you want to decorate your QR this has too many templates but you have to join VIP membership means you need to buy that feature. But simple barcode is free of cost.

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  1. This article provided me with a wealth of information about QR Code with Logo. The article is both educational and helpful. Thank you for providing this information. Keep up the good work.
